

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Food and Drug Administration For Diet

Comprehensive file for  LOSS drugs and their effectiveness and harm

Slimming medicine has a long history extends to the 19th century. Where he began public taste prefers body graceful and slender women all full of women. And this has led to the emergence of the first drug to allocate so-called "reduced fat" or Fat Reducer. And is a derivative of the human thyroid gland hormone medication. And this drug was effective, but it was accompanied by serious side effects, such as tachycardia and chest pain and sometimes death. And therefore it uses 1960 and stopped in the early afternoon of the 20th century medicine called Pal dinitrophenol or the DNP. And this was the drug raises the metabolic rate and body temperature. And this drug also led to several deaths. And from here began the role of the Food and Drug Administration FDA in the US to impose its control and control over these drugs manufacturers. Has not left any unauthorized medicine from this organization, but 
Ulystadt Orlistat or so-called Balzanekal Xenical.

Current slimming drugs work by several axes:

1 - To reduce the appetite by controlling some of the receptors in the brain

2 - raise the metabolic rate (burn rates), or the so-called PAL Thermogenisis

3 - scalable and reduce the absorption of nutrients such as fat and glucose.

In this article we will discuss and evaluate the most famous types of slimming drugs. And we are aware that we do not sell any product from them, so we have seen an honest and full credibility.

1 –  Orlistat

And manufactured by Sigma company in Egypt. And also it called Balzanekal Xenical.
 And this drug works to curb and reduce pancreatic enzymes that absorb fat from food.
 Which reduces the amount of fat and calories total. And this drug has an effect on the already slimming,
 And that was very limited. There is a study that compared the two groups are Balrgim and sports. Group addresses Ulystadt group and do not eat. Within one year,
 Group lost dealing Ulystadt of 2 to 3 kg more than just the group that does not eat. A further study found that Ulystadt reduces the incidence of diabetes among obese patients by 40%.
 And a third study found that after stopping Ulystadt acquired 35% of the patients lost weight in a short period.

2 -   Citocal

And Citocal
 a substance Chitosan  and some other materials.
And Chitosan is extracted material from the husks of lakes such as shrimp and crab.
And the use of the material from the ground up in industry and agriculture. They are used in paints and fertilizers and pesticides. As her medical uses such as put on the bandages because of its ability to eliminate the bacteria.
As for his role in slimming, the company Wiczam Hetokall ability to reduce the absorption of fat, such as Zanekal. But there is an extensive study proved groundless allegations at all. Another study advised not to describe the feasibility of complementary Hetokall for obese patients
And this has sent the US Food Organization FDA warning to producers of complementary 
Hetokall ordering them not to print false claims on packages.
3 - Metformin

Metformin 500 is a medicine mainly for the treatment of diabetes (Type 2) by scaling the liver for secretion of glucose.

Little research has proven the effectiveness of this drug is also to protect the heart and reduce the risk of cancer associated with diabetes. This drug is safe in general and accompanied by simple symptoms, such as fluctuations in the stomach, as long as the commitment to specific dose.
Some research has shown that the drug metformin effective slimming. As there are search compare the impact on two groups of 154 people for six months. Group dealing with metformin daily lost about 5 to 7 pounds, while the group that are not addressed by increased weight!
If, effective slimming medicine and is considered safe, why do not I recommend it trainees? That's because it works to reduce blood sugar significantly. There are numerous reports of athletes diagnosed E_meiat during exercise because of drug metformin. It is also not authorized by the FDA for weight loss. But if you do not exercise and sport only your goal to lose weight and not look tough and Jmabk, if metformin has been good for you.

4 - 


Alclenetrul or the Clen is expanded to the people airway. It is used mainly as a medicine for the treatment of respiratory diseases, including asthma and. It is located in pharmacies in the form of salt HCL HCL. And sometimes sold as a liquid and powder. (Liquid used with livestock)

Alclenetrul has many side effects to the expansion of the people. It increases the blood pressure and heart rate and stimulates the nervous system and increases the basal metabolic rates and burn fat. So it is one of the favorite players of medicines bodybuilding during drying stage and slimming. It also has some effect on increasing muscle mass, and that was simple.

And alkaline these days is not only used by the players bodybuilding, but the fame of this drug has reached the public after the issuance of press reports used by some celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Britney Spears.
Alclenetrul damage:
Alclenetrul effective drug for fat burning. But many people can not tolerate side effects such as:
Dizziness and headaches
Increased rates of heart rate and chest pains
Anxiety and tension and insomnia
Increased sweating rates and high body temperature.
You must also be aware that it is used Alkllenbtrul two weeks and stop him two weeks because of the speed of the body back to it. It also must be addressed homocysteine ​​the Taurine to avoid contractions and cramps.
I do not recommend this medication exactly because of the threat to the heart.

5- Ephedrine

Ephedrine is a drug similar in composition to amphetamine and adrenaline neurotransmitter and will emerge from the ephedra plant Ephedra Sinica.

 And it is used as a catalyst nervous and tonic to focus and fill the appetite. And it is available in pharmacies also in the form of salt HCl Ephedrine HCL.

  It began using ephedra in China since the two centuries BC, and was called Balmahuang. That began in the Japanese chemical ephedra extract of this plant in the nineteenth century and China began manufacturing ephedra commercially in 1920.

Arrived and export of ephedrine from China to the West than 4 tons in 1926 to 216 tons in 1928.

Ephedrine drug has side effects and was banned by the FDA in 2004 after receiving reports of side effects for 18 000 patients.
  Ephedrine alone has the effect of "reasonable" to burn fat in the short term. But his strength decreases with the passage of time.
But the use of ephedrine with caffeine has a greater fat burning and effectiveness also has a strong influence to improve athletic performance. And so it is used to bodybuilders so-called pal EC stack. Any ephedra with caffeine.

 And the past was used ECA stack. No ephedrine with caffeine with aspirin. But studies have shown the futility of aspirin with caffeine and ephedra. Will write here doses of ephedrine, but you can read more about the doses of here, because I will not take responsibility for the misuse of these drugs.
Ephedrine damage:
Increase the number of heartbeat, high blood pressure, tension and anxiety.
Rash and facial pills.
Fluctuations in the stomach and nausea.
Hallucinations and insomnia
Dizziness and chills and headache and dry throat.
You should consult your doctor before taking psychological ephedrine, ephedrine because with many psychiatric medications opposed to (especially amphetamines)
6- Green tea pills

I wrote a whole article about green tea slimming pills. Scientific experiments and studies not only confirm green tea's ability to burn fat and slimming, but these studies have shown the enormous benefits to health as it contains more than one type of antioxidants. And so I would advise the trainees have to buy these pills. Also advise them to drink large amounts of green tea every day. But you must be aware that the effectiveness of green tea pills that contain tea extract EGCG more effective to burn fat from the hot drink.


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