

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fast Diet 2015

Those who resolve to agility ..

Those who decided to change ..

I lose the kilo and a half in two days .. just ..!

1. must drink 7 cups water, at least in Halummen ..
2. Dieting should not repeat more than once in a month ..

First day:
Breakfast and launch:
The same as what you eat Ante accustomed.

Half the fruit of grapefruit +75 grams of grilled fish dish with a large component of the power of choice and tomatoes and 100 grams fruit salad ..
Half the fruit of a large orange +75 grams of grilled fish dish with a large component of the power of choice and tomatoes and 100 grams fruit salad ..

Second day:
120 mg unsweetened fruit juice + small chopped banana with two tablespoons fat-free yogurt + slice of bread + teaspoon of honey.

175 grams potatoes roasted in the oven or +150 grams beans +25 grams low-fat cheese + large green salad dish + medium apple.

175 gram fish stew in the oven after dressing with lemon +75 grams Parboiled rice +100 grams Islands +100 grams another kind of boiled vegetables + slices of natural pineapple +60 grams  cheese.

Third day:

120 mg orange juice without sugar +25 grams cornflakes with 120 mg skimmed milk.


120 mg grapefruit juice without sugar +25 grams cornflakes with 120 mg skimmed milk.

25 grams cold meat +50 grams skimmed cheese + tomato fruit large + amount of lettuce as you wish.


Chicken breast +50 grams skimmed cheese + tomato fruit large + amount of lettuce as you wish.

Half the fruit of grapefruit + steak grilled medium +100 grams boiled potatoes + tomatoes with grilled vegetables + 100 grams of beans boiled +2 cup lemon juice ..


The German system of Dr. Huff Meyer decreases 4 kilometers in 4 days ..

1. snacks should be addressed after the meal for 3 hours.
2. Libby to delete but water function .
3. does not switch between meals.

Breakfast uniform for all days:
Fruit of grapefruit or orange or apple average, choose any class of them empty stomach daily + a cup of tea or coffee without sugar + a piece of toast.

First day:

Two pieces of hamburger or grilled Fillet + lettuce and tomato salad without oil or seasoning +50 grams of bread ..

Snack "after lunch for 3 hours":
Any fruit average of fruit you have available at home ..

Two eggs Msellouktin +250 grams of green beans ..

Snack "After dinner for 3 hours":
Glass of fresh fruit juice ..

Second day:

100 grams of red mutton + green salad without oil or seasoning + a glass of tomato juice.

Vegetables dish consisting of boiled zucchini and cauliflower and green beans.

Snack "After dinner for 3 hours":
Apple juice without sugar.

Third day:

Green salad without oil or seasoning +100 grams of chicken without skin boiled or grilled.

Snack "after lunch for 3 hours":
The fruit of an apple or orange.

100 gram hamburger + grilled tomato + peach juice.

Fourth day:

Two eggs Msellouktin +250 grams of boiled beans + cup tomato juice.

100 gram hamburger or grilled fillet + lettuce salad.

Snack "after Asha b 3 hours":
Pineapple juice without sugar.


  1. تعتبر جراحات السمنة، والسكر من الجراحات المهمة جدا في هذا العصر، وأطباء هذا المجال يركزون على تخصصهم ويدققوا النظر فيه حتى يصلوا إلى أفضل النتائج.
    ومن بين هؤلاء الأطباء أ . د أحمد السبكي الذي يتميز في جراحة السمنة والسكر.
    ويعتبر السبب الأساسي في نجاح العملية بعد توفيق الله وجود الجراح المتميز المدرك لنسبة نجاح العملية قبل أجراءها، والتي قد تصل الي الكمال، ونسبة نجاح 100%، وهدف الطبيب دائما تكمن في راحة المريض، والخروج من العملية دون مضاعفات، والمريض يلجأ الي الطبيب صاحب العلم المتميز حتى يضع ثقته فيه، ويجب علي الطبيب أن يكون محلا لهذه الثقة.

