

Monday, April 6, 2015

Pineapple Benefits to weight loss 2015

Pineapple is a distinctive fruits that are grown not only in the tropics, or greenhouses, and it contains in its composition on a large amount of sugar up to 20% by weight and 90% of the water, and some vitamins and enzymes peptic


Therapeutic benefits of pineapple
1. diuretic.
2. prevent sunstroke.
3. addresses the flu and colds.
4. prevents the formation of kidney stones.
5. addresses atherosclerosis.
6. tonic for the liver.
7. teeth and gums protects against cavities.
8. treated wounds and sores.
9. protect against tumors.
10. protects against tissue inflammation and swollen.
11. handles jaundice.
12. treats burns.
13. treats stomach contractions.
14. quenches thirst because it contains a lot of water.
15. prevents fat within the body.
16. used in weight loss to the lack of thermal Sarath.
17. used as a remedy in the recovery period after cosmetic surgery.
18. dwell arthritis pain.
19. provide the body with important and necessary vitamins.
20. deals with arthritis.
21. alleviates cellulite.
22. used in the treatment of acne.
23. treats eczema and psoriasis.
Eating pineapple heavily damaged
2. vomiting.
3. cause stress for pregnant women to constriction of the muscles of the uterus,
4. lead to the appearance of a rash.
5. diarrhea.
6. blisters in the mouth and lips

Pineapple diet for weight loss
- Breakfast
- A cup of yogurt skimmed + three slices pineapple.
- Snack
- Toast a slice of apostasy "bran" + a glass of pineapple juice + boiled egg.
- Lunch
- Pieces skinless chicken or a piece of meat without fat + vegetable soup.
- Snack
- Cup yogurt skimmed + cup pineapple juice.
- Dinner
- Piece of chicken without skin + slices of pineapple.
- NB
- This Dieting to lose weight fast for two weeks at the most, are advised not to use it for a long time.
- As a general rule for the success of any diet in a safe and healthy range is recommended for the following observations ....
- Drink a lot of water at least 6 cups a day.
- Diverse and healthy eating fat-free and sugar.
- Continuity something inevitable, but by following a week yes and do not base a week.
- Moderate exercise.
- Adequate sleep for the body.
- Stay away from anxiety and stress.
- And finally consulted a specialist for owners of pathological conditions such as diabetes pregnant women


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