

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Diet for Diabetics 2015

Some diabetics are obese suffer while others suffer from cravings banned cuisine him, diet for each patient sugar varies individually according to the patient's weight and the degree of blood sugar levels and physical activity and exercise and so is determined it needed calories by his doctor, and there Diet Diabetics, for each patient, which can be followed:

Diet diabetics with its own diets:

- (2 pending) Fava Beans or boiled or a spoonful of honey bee egg.
- (50-100gram) white cheese low-fat and low-salt.
- A cup of yogurt or half a cup of skim milk.
- Half a loaf or two of my toast diet.
- Tomato or two fruit fruit.

- Meat (100g or veal calf or 150 g chicken or Dick or 200 g fish) and should preferably be boiled or grilled.
- Carbohydrates (only a quarter of a loaf of Pita or 6 tablespoons 6 tablespoons rice or pasta).
- Vegetables (cabbage - cauliflower - eggplant - green onion - green beans - Molokhia - spinach - zucchini - artichoke - Okra - leg - hibiscus).

- 100 g white cheese.
- (2 tablespoons) Fava Beans or Tamah (2 medium-sized tablet) or lentil dish.
- A cup of yogurt.
- Half a loaf of my bread or toast 2 Diet.

The fruit of an apple or orange fruit 2 or 2 or 2 guava fruit pear fruit or fruit Yousfi 2 or 2 pieces medium-sized fruit or Kantlob or 12 grape or 1 medium-sized fruit or mango fruit mussels 4 or 2 or 3 fruit of peach fruit of plum or apricot .

Food is allowed without reservation
- Green pepper - lettuce - radishes - Option celery - parsley - Watercress - onions.
- Artificial sweeteners and carbonated water without sugar.

- Sweets maize, nuts and sweets generator.
- Black honey and chocolate halva and tahini.
- Altortat and cake and jam.
- Soft drinks and alcoholic substances.

Tips to maintain the discipline of blood sugar
- Commitment to diet.
- To reach the ideal weight.
- Sports daily walking.

With best wishes for a speedy recovery to all your patients for every disease, and we hope you take advantage of the diet of diabetics which we have presented to you.


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