

Monday, March 30, 2015

Healthy food for patients with pressure



1 bag mixed vegetables (400 g)
1 potato fruit
1 tablespoon onion soft furred
1 teaspoon oil
1 tsp salt very light
1 teaspoon cumin
1mlakh small black pepper
1mlakh teaspoon of cinnamon.
1 teaspoon thyme
½ cup chicken broth or water


  of mixed vegetables for patients with pressure

All ingredients are placed in a pot over low heat heat until maturity
You can add water when needed
Then add the thyme to the mixed vegetables and cumin and stir the mixture well
And vegetables provides little problem after adding the thyme
And a delicious meal

Tough Diet To Loss 15 Kilos In a Week


Many of us, perhaps he has occasion to interview or a job, or that he does not find clothes that needed because of weight
And diet for him is difficult. Fa some doctors met to work diet period specified anyone who wants to work diet duration of time


Diet devised for 10 days .. for lost 15 kg ..

Diet is extremely tough .. but IT Just for 10 days only
More than it could lead to things that are not healthy

First day: breakfast: a cup of water + one option
First day
Lunch: Salad, but a non onions + four cup of  water
First day: Dinner: Five cup of water
And THe Same At All week

Note: no eat or drink anything out of Programme , Sleep Early

You Can Drink Water All Day
After You Do What you want >> Follow Us :)


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Diet for Diabetics 2015

Some diabetics are obese suffer while others suffer from cravings banned cuisine him, diet for each patient sugar varies individually according to the patient's weight and the degree of blood sugar levels and physical activity and exercise and so is determined it needed calories by his doctor, and there Diet Diabetics, for each patient, which can be followed:

Diet diabetics with its own diets:

- (2 pending) Fava Beans or boiled or a spoonful of honey bee egg.
- (50-100gram) white cheese low-fat and low-salt.
- A cup of yogurt or half a cup of skim milk.
- Half a loaf or two of my toast diet.
- Tomato or two fruit fruit.

- Meat (100g or veal calf or 150 g chicken or Dick or 200 g fish) and should preferably be boiled or grilled.
- Carbohydrates (only a quarter of a loaf of Pita or 6 tablespoons 6 tablespoons rice or pasta).
- Vegetables (cabbage - cauliflower - eggplant - green onion - green beans - Molokhia - spinach - zucchini - artichoke - Okra - leg - hibiscus).

- 100 g white cheese.
- (2 tablespoons) Fava Beans or Tamah (2 medium-sized tablet) or lentil dish.
- A cup of yogurt.
- Half a loaf of my bread or toast 2 Diet.

The fruit of an apple or orange fruit 2 or 2 or 2 guava fruit pear fruit or fruit Yousfi 2 or 2 pieces medium-sized fruit or Kantlob or 12 grape or 1 medium-sized fruit or mango fruit mussels 4 or 2 or 3 fruit of peach fruit of plum or apricot .

Food is allowed without reservation
- Green pepper - lettuce - radishes - Option celery - parsley - Watercress - onions.
- Artificial sweeteners and carbonated water without sugar.

- Sweets maize, nuts and sweets generator.
- Black honey and chocolate halva and tahini.
- Altortat and cake and jam.
- Soft drinks and alcoholic substances.

Tips to maintain the discipline of blood sugar
- Commitment to diet.
- To reach the ideal weight.
- Sports daily walking.

With best wishes for a speedy recovery to all your patients for every disease, and we hope you take advantage of the diet of diabetics which we have presented to you.

Diet bride Pour off the excess weight before the wedding

Diet plan - Diet Food - Weight Loss - Paleo diet - Best Diet - Diet Supplements - Healthy Diet

The wedding is the dream of every girl since her nails smoothness. And certainly hope to show it at its best. On this issue, tell us,

Dr. Ahmed Diab advisory obesity and thinness, saying: When approaching wedding date becomes the hope of every bride to reach the fitness stage, but the main problem that prevents the bride to reach the ideal weight is a frequent exits to buy Msltzmat wedding, which makes it difficult to work diet plus the bride's attention to the lack of proper nutrition rules in this period, which precedes the wedding and that is why in the permanent sense of stress and weak hair and pale skin and hair loss in many cases.
Tips to reach the bride to the wedding date
It has a good and healthy skin bright
For example, the bride should eat 2 cups of water per day on an empty stomach in order to help the organs of the body get rid of harmful substances and free radicals as water plays an important role in the prevention of dry skin.
The bride also must eat a teaspoon of molasses in order to help them get rid of anemia, which has become widespread among a large number of girls. It also must eat the fruit and the fruit of choice Islands with breakfast as it is rich in a large number of beneficial vitamins and minerals. As for the bride prefers eating a cup of yogurt a day because it is rich in vitamin B compound, which prevents skin pallor. The lunch must contain a small green salad dish with the addition of a teaspoon of olive oil because it contains Vitamin E, which plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the hair and also works on prevention of dehydration and embrittlement. Also preferred for the bride taking two tablets of yeast before dinner because they contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. As for the bride prefers eating a cup of yogurt with dinner because indispensable element zinc deficiency, which leads to weak hair and hair loss
The zinc enters in the formation of collagen is responsible for the vitality and suppleness and elasticity of the skin. As for the bride prefers to exercise any kind of domestic sport which helps in getting rid of excess weight in addition to appropriate diet work.
- For example, the bride should eat 2 cups of water per day on an empty stomach in order to help the organs of the body get rid of harmful substances and free radicals as water plays an important role in the prevention of dry skin.
The bride also must eat a teaspoon of molasses in order to help them get rid of anemia, which has become widespread among a large number of Bannat.kma also must eat the fruit and the fruit of choice Islands with breakfast as it is rich in a large number of beneficial vitamins and minerals. As for the bride prefers eating a cup of yogurt a day because it is rich in vitamin B compound, which prevents skin pallor. The lunch must contain a small green salad dish with the addition of a teaspoon of olive oil because it contains Vitamin E, which plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the hair and also works on prevention of dehydration and embrittlement. Also preferred for the bride taking two tablets of yeast before dinner because they contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. As for the bride prefers eating a cup of yogurt with dinner because indispensable element zinc deficiency, which leads to weak hair and hair loss
The zinc enters in the formation of collagen is responsible for the vitality and suppleness and elasticity of the skin. As for the bride prefers to exercise any kind of domestic sport which helps in getting rid of excess weight in addition to appropriate diet work.
- Breakfast:
- 2 cups of water and a glass of orange juice or a piece of fruit or melon apple boiled egg or 5 tablespoons soy him tablespoon of olive oil or a piece of cheese Quraish a quarter of a loaf of my country.
- Lunch:
- 2 cups water dish green salad 150 grams meat Ahmro 2 hard-boiled egg or a quarter of a chicken, boiled or grilled fish 2 sauteed vegetables except potatoes 3 tablespoons rice or pasta
- Between lunch and dinner:
Cup yogurt Lite him a tablespoon of wheat germ
- Dinner:
- 2 cups water cup yogurt or milk Ribe Owhith boiled fruit fruit Otbak a quarter of a loaf of my country salad or half a loaf of age.

Fast diet for breastfeeding Mothers 2015

weight loss diet for breastfeeding mothers

Each lady came out of the pregnancy and birth a significant increase in weight and afraid at the time to follow any diet, fearing for her unborn child from a lack of breast milk.

The first two days

Breakfast: 3 tablespoons salad without oil

Lunch: vegetable and a cup of boiled pasta and tomato mushroom

Snack: apple

Dinner: Pasta and boiled vegetables and salad

Snack: option

Third and fourth

Breakfast: cheese, skim and 2 Toast

Food: grilled fish and vegetables and salad

Snack: orange or option 2 or 1 yogurt Lite

Dinner: 1 cup of boiled potatoes and boiled lobby and salad

V, VI and VII

Breakfast: 2 toast and cheese skimmed

Lunch: vegetable and salad and 3 tablespoons boiled rice

Dinner: tuna or grilled fish and salad or chicken or beef

Snack: Cheese skimmed

Advice to

Day of rest each week eat it all you crave even energy required taken from your body to redo the diet in the next week, with the need to review every lady this Diet with a gynecologist in charge of her birth because the nature of the body and the type of birth is different from where the body needs necessary for feeding healthy foods.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Foods help strengthen the sexual ability of men

Foods help strengthen the sexual ability of men

Some foods contribute to improving sexual ability for couples, for its role in increasing blood flow to the genital area, and shipping the body more energy and activity, as this blood flowing active genital and facilitates the process of erection of the man.

Medical studies have shown that these foods reduce cholesterol in the blood, which helps the flow of blood in the arteries speed, it is also easy combustion, so the body can get the energy of them quickly, thus increasing vigor and vitality, which is reflected positively on intimate relationships between couples, offer here are some foods you are working to improve sexual ability for couples:

Nuts: walnuts contain omega-3, which is among the unsaturated fats, and this component increases the activity of the man significantly. .

Honey bees: Contains compounds and foodstuffs pair gives a shipment of energy and activity, which reflect positively on sexual intercourse.

- Berries: raspberries that describes some of the natural Viagra for his role in the resolution of men who suffer from erectile problems, because it is rich in fiber problem

Soluble, which help pay for the excess cholesterol out of the digestive system, and try eating berries 
or drinking juice at least three or four times each week.

Onions: genitive vinegar or cooked meat increases the sexual ability and give it back if cut off.

- Fish, shrimp and shellfish marine phosphorus: works to strengthen the men sexual ability.

- Parsley seed oil and parsley: used specifically in cases of ED.

- Celery roots and leaves of celery, if eaten raw or with salads, useful in the treatment of impotence.

- Artichoke (Artichoke): if they eat the roots of artichoke with honey was a great stimulant for sexual power

- Lettuce: Contains vitamin "E" anti-infertility and private reproduction.

- Cinnamon to stimulate blood circulation: Cinnamon is one of the well-known in the Arab world, spices, and have many health benefits, the most important activate blood circulation and thus improve the intimate relationship pattern with the pair.

- Bananas: helps reduce blood cholesterol and speed of flow to the genitals.

- Asparagus: the most powerful aphrodisiacs in order to contain vitamin B and folic acid, both of which elevate the level of histamine in the blood,

A neurotransmitter helps to reach sexual ecstasy, also contains a substance (proto Diosen), which is working to raise the level of excitement

And impotent.

- Ginger: improves sexual performance by improving blood circulation, where it is known that ginger reduces blood viscosity.

- Dark chocolate: Contains material (vinyl ethyl Secretary), which stimulates the secretion of endorphins, a hormone known happiness, and I came in

Magazine (sexual medicine) that the American black chocolate increases the attraction between the sexes, as research has shown that people who eat a cube of

Dark chocolate a day have better sexual performance.

Lose 15 pounds without diet

This diet is not only a specific program is carried out calculations and eating options that are required by the body.

Calories required is 1500 calories per day or less, but should not be less than 1,200 a day, but the weight will stop and get off intervention in the stability phase

Every week will be the seventh day is the Free day to not exceed 2000 calories per day.

How do we divide the meals

Is the most important meal must contain 600 calories and be somewhere between the sixth am and before 9:00 because the burn level in the body is at its highest levels this period

Also, breakfast saturated help slimming, as you will be in constant motion in the daytime.

First snacks

Be at 11:00 pm and is a fruit and should not 
exceed 100 calories.

Be between 1 and 15:00 noon and must be 600 calories.


Coffee or tea without sugar


200 calories and beBefore Sleeping for 3 hours.

In the days in which the sport practiced Mark dinner fish or chicken breast and on the other 
days I could eat vegetables or vegetable soup.

Ginger Diet 2015

Lose excess weight with him and get rid of fats
 this diet depends on the mixture must be adhered to 40 days and is working on burning fats and can lose up to 6 kilos in 40 days with a  regulator eating and doing sport an average of 3 times a week.



400 grams ginger

100 grams fennel seeds

50 g chamomile

50 grams responded dryer

50 grams of the herb Alchemilla


All mix blender and leave it in a dry place and every day we put a spoonful of coffee in a cup of boiling water and cover it  10-minute  and drink after a meal by an hour three times a day with a spoonful of honey 

Benefits of the mixture

Rid the body of toxins and free radicals that are the main cause of contemporary diseases such as cancer, colon and others.

Burn fat and prevent the accumulation and disposal of fluids in the body ..

Cleanse the digestive system and the organization of work.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

what is the Paleo diet ?

Albalao diet is based on eating as a way caveman, a tenor in the modern style dining.

Palio is devoid of processed foods, refined and dairy products such as sugar. In theory, imposed on the owners of this diet eat freshly caught sea food and meat slaughtered.

Lowers the level of cholesterol in the body.

Weight loss without health damage.

Raise the energy level in the body.

Restore the balance in the level of the members of the body.

Improve the quality of HDL in the body.

Get rid of the tripartite and harmful fats.

Balrigam how to start:

It usually takes people a few attempts, start by cutting out things like sweets and things that added to sugar, and reduce some of the gluten and dairy products even. At the same time, people eat more protein with every meal.

Paleo diet in the form of the pyramid:

Meat on the bottom along with the vegetables. The next level is the fruits and vegetables non-starchy.

In the following class are seeds and nuts. Can be a lot of fish, meat, chicken and birds with non-starchy vegetable intake, which is limited to herbs.

It is recommended to eat one even two meals of nuts or seeds, alternately in selected does not exceed the quota and one small cup.

Nuts and seeds are necessary for the satisfaction of the way and help when there is a desire to eat something salty.

Legumes hotspot because they are considered anti-nutrients, for example, can cause inflammation beans that are the highest in the anti-nutrients.

It is better to give up the bread and beans.

Athletes need to eat plenty of fruits such as bananas, oranges and abandoned fruit thin skin ..

It also prefers to use a thick salt and extracted from the sea without making amendments.

Sweet potato is a need to reduce the carbohydrates, the only preferred to Albalao.

In diet Albalao, for a person that is followed by a strong physical and sports daily work.

Healthy diet for pregnant women during the 9 months

Pregnant women can get food and basic metals, which constitute an important challenge during pregnancy, and a pregnant woman not underestimate the importance of proper diet at this critical juncture, or by following a healthy diet for pregnant women

Because the body and organs need additional care during the nine months of pregnancy, as you need to follow a special diet and a full guarantee them access to proper nutrition at this critical juncture. There is a major diet should be taken into account when you follow a healthy diet for pregnant women contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals required during 9 months of pregnancy, according to the published American site "woman Day"

during the follow diet healthy pregnant women are advised specialists accursed avoid red meat consumption, during follow diet healthy for pregnant women, you can replace a snack of vegetables, fruits, fish and poultry after removing the skin as a source of richness of the protein, in addition to eating fruits next to share the daily protein to get the necessary vitamins.

Cereal fiber-rich for healthy Diet for pregnant women

  Dieting specialists also advised during follow a healthy diet for pregnant women, to consume one slice of bread prepared whole grains, and fiber-rich grains, pasta stomach of wheat, oatmeal, and brown rice.

Leafy vegetables essential in a healthy diet for pregnant women

  Leafy dark-green is the most ideal vegetables when you follow a diet healthy for pregnant women, and can diet includes a set of useful vegetables include lettuce, spinach, pumpkins, squash, carrots, colorful vegetables and include, tomatoes, green peas, broccoli, green beans , yellow beans, peppers and cabbage.

Important nutritious fruit when you follow a diet healthy for pregnant women

 and during the follow diet healthy pregnant women should eat a nutritious watermelon, plums, strawberries, citrus, tangerine fruit, grapefruit, oranges, mangoes, apples, bananas, and can get the vitamins found in fruits by eating fruit juice, or fruit salad and include bananas, apples, oranges, kiwi, watermelon, cantaloupe, and lemon juice.

Dairy products to work diet healthy for pregnant dairy excellent source of calcium and protein,

 to work diet healthy for pregnant women as well as vitamin D, important for the growth of the bones of the fetus and the health and phosphorus, so be on women during pregnancy eating about 1,000 milligrams a day of dairy products, the equivalent of 3 to 4 servings of calcium-rich products, especially low-fat milk or low-fat.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Сильнее 6 способов потерять рубец и сжечь весь жир 2015

У вас есть большой жирный сгустки брюшной области и центр? Вы устали от этой темы и получить разочарование и депрессию? Вы недовольны взгляд в одежде? Знаете ли Вы, десятки попыток запуска, а вы десятки километров и купил сотни устройств и лекарствами (или тысяч?) Фунтов, чтобы решить эту проблему? Не волнуйтесь и не грустите. Эта статья поможет вам не быстро Потеря рубец до последнего грамма жира. Половина из вас будет единственный путь, чтобы попасть на живот плотный и сильный и привлекательный. И не нужно будет читать любой другой статьи

Падение жертвой лгать и обманывать, вводящие в заблуждение телевизионной рекламы.
Риск ожирения рубце:

Есть две формы конгломерата жира в организме. Существует то, что называется груша, и конгломерат жира в области ягодиц или нижней части тела. Существует форма яблока, и конгломерат жира в области живота и посередине. И "пузо" не только вызывают поверхностные и эстетические проблемы, но конгломерат брюшной жир повышает шансы сердечного приступа и инсульта и диабета и высокого кровяного давления
U vas yest' bol'shoy zhirnyy sgustki bryushnoy oblasti i tsentr? Vy ustali ot etoy temy i poluchit' razocharovaniye i depressiyu? Vy nedovol'ny vzglyad v odezhde? Znayete li Vy, desyatki popytok zapuska, a vy desyatki kilometrov i kupil sotni ustroystv i lekarstvami (ili tysyach?) Funtov, chtoby reshit' etu problemu? Ne volnuytes' i ne grustite. Eta stat'ya pomozhet vam ne bystro Poterya rubets do poslednego gramma zhira. Polovina iz vas budet yedinstvennyy put', chtoby popast' na zhivot plotnyy i sil'nyy i privlekatel'nyy. I ne nuzhno budet chitat' lyuboy drugoy stat'i

poterya rubtsa i szhech' zhir zhivota

Padeniye zhertvoy lgat' i obmanyvat', vvodyashchiye v zabluzhdeniye televizionnoy reklamy.
Risk ozhireniya rubtse:

Yest' dve formy konglomerata zhira v organizme. Sushchestvuyet to, chto nazyvayetsya grusha, i konglomerat zhira v oblasti yagodits ili nizhney chasti tela. Sushchestvuyet forma yabloka, i konglomerat zhira v oblasti zhivota i poseredine. I "puzo" ne tol'ko vyzyvayut poverkhnostnyye i esteticheskiye problemy, no konglomerat bryushnoy zhir povyshayet shansy serdechnogo pristupa i insul'ta i diabeta i vysokogo krovyanogo davleniya

Румен Жир не лежат на своем месте статического. Но исследователи обнаружили, что жировые рубца жить так, как членов, выделяют гормоны и вредных веществ на организм. Жир рубце легко распадается на жирные кислоты, переданных в печени, вызывая значительное увеличение доли плохого холестерина ЛПНП. Это в дополнение к жира гормона рубце влияет на эффективность гормона инсулина, что приводит к накоплению сахара и жира крови, что в свою очередь приводит к диабету и сердечно-disease.And рубце влияет на мужчин больше, чем женщины, и это объясняет, чточастота сердечных заболеваний, чем men.Add того, исследователи обнаружили, хорошие отношения между накоплением жировых рубце и эректильной дисфункции у мужчин ..